The City Pays the Bill: Men who are Loyal When it Doesn't Cost Anything

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The City Pays the Bill: Men who are Loyal When it Doesn't Cost Anything
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THE CITY PAYS THE BILL MEN WHO ARE LOYAL WHEN It DOESN’T COST ANYTHING That ‘Peace With Honor’ Message Again Crops Up-The Latest Performance of the Civic Opera Troupe- A Promised Duet. Soldiers of the Queen was spiritedly rendered by Her Majesty’s Common Council Opera Troupe on Thursday last. Probably the most thrilling portion of the performance was the rendition of the line ‘We’ve done with diplomatic lingo’. Every member seemed to have a deep appreciation of that sentiment. According to the daily papers at the Wednesday rehearsal of the Treasure board Aldermen Colwell sang a little out tune. He seemed to be a trifle sharp the others members thought, though they contrived to get him that enough by Thursday. The score used was that of the C.P.R. Telegraph Company and has already been published in these columns. The payment of that score caused a slight interruption of the harmony which was established upon the receipt by Mayor Sears of Her Majesty’s thanks for his New Year’s greeting The council, It will be remembered has never confirmed the minutes of that special meeting at which It was resolved to lay the difference of civic opinion upon diplomatic interpretations at the foot of the throne. Alderman MacRae, who occupied the chair on that occasion with this usually alacrity, has ever since been in a state of doubt as to whether it would be wise for him to uphold or condemn his action upon that occasion. If he could be sure how the citizens would vote upon it at the approaching elections, he would no doubt be materially assisted in forming a judgement. Alderman Millidge, the Solon of the council, has since been busy in investing the mares’ nests in which Strathcona Horse were born, and Alderman White has accompanied him in the prosecution of the task. With those gentlemen so occupied, the question of the legality of that celebrated meeting remained undetermined, and upon its legality depends the liability of the city for that cablegram. So at the Treasury Board meeting Alderman Colwelll opposed the payment of the account by the city. Neither the deputy mayor nor any other alderman could throw any light upon the question, but they were all resolved that their own pockets should not suffer. Consequently they recommended the payment of the bill and it was adopted at the council without a dissentient voice. The incident, to use that diplomatic language of which the alderman have acquired a horror, is now closed. It may be reopened should Mayor Sears send in a bill for the original cablegram which caused all the fuss. Meanwhile let us all ‘have done with diplomatic lingo!’