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The century dating from the landing of the Loyalists in St. John was one of the most wonderful of human history. It was prolific in great men, and in great achievements. It is difficult to say in what direction the greater advance was made. The progress of free government, the development of power in the hands of the English speaking race, the expansion of the sphere of the press, the diffusion of popular education, the triumphs of invention, the utilization of scientific discoveries, the improvement in machinery of every description, the cheapening of literature, the multiplication of comforts for all classes, the improved facilities for locomotion by land and by sea, the wonders wrought by steam, gas and electricity, the developments in the construction of warlike weapons and in iron-clad ships, the remarkable engineering feats achieved, the amelioration of criminal law, the improvement in prison treatment and in the condition of hospitals and asylums of various kinds, the progress made in the abolition of slavery, the rise and spread of the temperance movement, and the development of the missionary spirit in the various Christian communions during the century have been wonderful. It was, indeed, a century of intense activity, and of altogether astonishing progress. And at its close the activity had not abated nor the progress become slower.
And now, from the Loyalist stand point, we look forward to another century. What will its character be? By what grand discoveries, by what notable inventions will it be marked? No human tongue can tell, no human mind can conceive. But it would seem that the scientific world trembles on the brink of discoveries as great as any that illustrated the march of the century just closed. There remains abundant room for progress everywhere and in every direction. There are great forces that wait to be trapped, tamed and trained for human use. There are gigantic evils to be grappled with and overcome. There are terrible nuisances that must be abated. There are mysteries that need to be pierced and illuminated for the comfort of mankind.
We may well believe that there will be no scarcity of great men. As the hour comes the man will appear to do its work. He will be a warrior, or a statesmen, a grand orator or a heaven-born poet, or a brilliant or profound historian, a keen-eyed scientist, a wonderful thinker, a sturdy reformer or a flaming apostle. The man needed will be sure to come when the time is ripe for him.
The signs indicate that in the grand movement of the century the English- speaking race will play a leading part. The facts pointing to this conclusion are significant in the highest degree. No one will dispute it. May we not hope that the country of the Loyalists will acquit itself well in the movement? Has it not very many things in its favor? Is it not a large land and a goodly one? Are not its resources varied and rich in a marvellous degree? Has it not the very climate most favorable to intense activity and sustained exertion? Has it not a position wonderfully well adapted to a face like that occupying it? It must surely give a good account of itself during the hundred years to come, and there may be as much difference between the St, John of 1983 and that of 1883, as there in between the St. John of 1883 and the St. John of 1783.
The Centennial Celebration has passed, the Centennial Exhibition is coming, and the success of the one seems to foreshadow the success of the other. In the Celebration we had the heartiest cooperation locally, and the warmest sympathy from without. Our own business men worked wonderfully well together for the Celebration. The result was most creditable to them. The best of feeling marked the co-operation.
Like causes will produce like results in the Exhibition observances. Warmhearted co-operation in Exhibition preparation will ensure success in the display itself. The rumor of such glowing unanimity in St. John would tell with happy effect on manufacturers and producers abroad within convenient reach.
There seems the best ground for expecting the united action called for. The demand for it is loud, strong and pressing. Good sense, good feeling, just pride and enlightened self-interest counsel compliance. What was done for the celebration shows what can be done for the exhibition. The success attending the celebration should encourage every one concerned to labor spiritedly for the exhibition. A grand success in the exhibition would afford intense pleasure to the whole community grouped around the mouth of the St. John. Let all do what they can to ensure that success on the grandest scale attainable.