Canadian Ministers in England.

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Canadian Ministers in England.
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Banquetted by English M.P’s – Sir John Makes a Brilliant Speech. Cable Despatch to Halifax Herald London, July 31 The members of the Canadian Government, who arrived here a fortnight since, are receiving a large share of public attention. The reception by the Member of the Imperial Government, and the leading men of all political parties, has been most cordial. On Thursday, Sir Charles Tupper and Hon. Senator Vidal, who is also here, were entertained at breakfast at the Palace Hotel by Sir Wilfred Lawson, M.P., for Carlisle, the well known Champion of the Permissive Bill. Over twenty members or Parliament were present, including S. Morley, W.S. Caine, Prof. Boyce, Prof. T. Rogers, Benj. Wentworth., and A.M. Sullivan. Some well-known officials of the United Kingdom Alliance were also present. Sir Wilfred Lawson presided, and, in the course of his speech, warmly congratulated the Canadians on having adopted such advanced temperance legislation as the Canadian Temperance Act – a law similar to that for which he has been fighting in England since 1867. The Canadian Minister of Railways, Sir Charles Tupper, responded, in an able speech, in which he traced the history and progress of temperance legislation in Canada. Mr. Puleston, M.P. for Davenport, gave a dinner yesterday, at the Conservative Club, to Sir. John. A. Macdonald, Prime Minister of Canada. There were over thirty guests, including Lord Elcho, W.H. Smith, late First Lord of the Admiralty; Sir Chas. Tupper, Canadian Minister of Railways; Sir James Hogg, President of the Metropolitan Board of Works; Dr. Lyon Playfair, M.P. Chairman of Coms.; Mr. Rylands, M.P.; Mr. Leonard Courtney, M.P.; Hon. David McPherson, Speaker of the Canadian Senate; Sir A.T. Galt, Canadian High Commissioner; Senator Vidal, Mr. A. P. Caron, M.P. for Quebec; Hon. J. H. Pope., Canadian Minister of Agriculture; Col. Dennis, Canadian Deputy Minister of the Interior; Hon. R.B. Dickey, Canadian Senator; and many others distinguished Canadian and British M.P.’S. Speeches were made by Lord Elcho, Sir John A Macdonald, Hon. David McPherson, Speaker of the Canadian Senate, and Mr. Dickey. Sir John. A. Macdonald affirmed in the strongest terms Canadian loyalty and determination to maintain connection with Great Britain, testifying to the uniform support received from the British Government, irrespective of the party in power, and asserting the popularity of the Marquis of Lorne and the Princess Louise among all classes of Canadians. Sir John’s speech, which was unusually witty and brilliant, was received with loud applause. Mr. Caron, a French Canadian member of the House, confirmed, on behalf of French Canadians, their devotion to the Crown. Two British Cabinet Ministers of the late Government were present. Mr. W.H. Smith and Dr. Playfair, responded heartily to the Canadians. Altogether the dinner was a significant and empathic demonstration of the closeness of the existing union between Canada and Great Britain. Sir John. A. Macdonald intends to prolong his visit some weeks, finding his reception in all quarters enthusiastic.