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The Student’s Welcome to their beloved superior, - The Grand Reception. – Fine illumination . – Holiday Sports. – Excellent Entertainment. Memramcook., May 26th. Seldom in the history of St. Joseph’s College do we find recorded a succession of more pleasurable events than those which have occupied the attention of the Students during the 24th and 25th insts. The unusual gaiety and rejoicing attendant on the arrival of the birthday of our gracious Sovereign were augmented not a little this year in consequence of the return on that day of Rev. C. Lefebvre, C.S.C., to his College home. For some time previous the students had been employing their recreation hours in preparing a reception that would, in some degree, be an appropriate outward expression of the esteem and love they entertain for him whom they consider a second father. The result of their exertions proved as honorable to themselves as it must have been gratifying to Father Lefebvre. Towards 7 a.m., on the 24th inst., the College Band accompanied by a number of carriages, proceeded to the Station to escort the rev. gentlemen home. Some lively music was given at the corner, and songs were in order during the drive across the marsh. On entering the college grounds, the first object to attract universal attention was a handsome arch erected by one of the most enterprising and efficient “Committees” that has been organized at the College during this term. The really beautiful structure elicited the admiration of all spectators. In truth, the massive towers supporting the arch proper, the pyramidal turrets which rose above it on either side to an elevation of eight feet, the correct proportions of the height curve, and span, together with the appropriate mottos, the gay profusion of flags and banners, festoons and streamers, bright-colored ribbons and beauteous flowers, presented an appearance of artistic design and ornamental embellishment that might well satisfy the most fastidious critics. As the Reverend Superior passed under the arch, he was greeted with three cheers of welcome given with an enthusiastic exultation that would have done honor to those masters in the art of cheering – the British Tars. The Band again discoursed some excellent music, during the rendition of which Father Lefebvre received on all sides congratulations on his safe return, and expressions of delight at having him once more at the College. Later on in the forenoon, he was conducted to the Exhibition Hall for the purpose of receiving addresses from the representatives of the students of either nationality. Here, also, had the work of adornment been successfully accomplished. The walls and ceiling were literally covered with evergreens in every imaginable design. It had evidently been the intention of the artists engaged in the task, to make the decorations far superior to anything hitherto seen at the College, and they certainly succeeded. Notable among the beautiful designs was a crown of roses suspended from the ceiling and resting above the Superior’s head. The addresses were well written, and were replete with expressions of the unbounded happiness produced by the happy event of the morning. In the afternoon a match game of baseball was played on the “Campus” by the “Sunburst” and “Mayflower” clubs, and was won by the former. Evening brought with it a magnificent illumination. The numerous rows of large windows in front of the College afforded excellent facilities for success in this work, and every opportunity was improved to make the display of lights an imposing one. The result was gorgeous beyond description. On the afternoon of the 25th inst., a programme of athletic sports was very successfully carried out. Foot, hurdle, sack, three legged race, and a host of other races, standing and running jumps, vaulting, a ten minute walking match, and a go-as-you-please for the same time. The foot race was the best contested. It was won by Phileas LeBlanc, of Peticodiac. The sack race was the most amusing. It plainly proved that hands are very useful when we are in danger of falling, and that however ornamental an appendage the nose may be, it is of no use as a protector when its possessor falls on its face. The go-as-you-please was won by Jas. Hayden of Halifax, he having made something more than a mile and a half in ten minutes. Finally, on the last evening, the reception festivities were brought to a conclusion by an entertainment. Besides the students and the faculty, there were present about one hundred invited guests, composing the elite of Memramcook society. The programme was quite lengthy, its rendition occupying about four hours, but the serious and the comic were so well combined that none of the audience were warried. The music throughout the evening was, as usual, excellent. A pantomime, “The Temptation,” was well received and deserved the plaudits that greeted the actors at its close. “The Sentinel of Montcalm” proved an unusually fine chorus. “The End of the Tether” was the English drama. The roles were well filled and the play was very naturally rendered. Mr. J. Borden as “single” looked well and acted better. C.J. O’Reilly, as the detective, gave a good impersonation of the different characters he assumed. P. Duffy and H. Walsh as the “Lords” were “away up,” while T. Casey and T.F. Roche a “Gracing” and “Drudge,” were lifelike and perfectly at their ease. The French drama, “L’Expiation,” (played also on March 19th) was, if anything, better than its first representation. The costumes, action, and gesture of the various performers were all that could be desired, and the play was a success. In our opinion, the laurel wreath of victory should rest on the brow of Phileas LeBlanc, whose acting was superb. P. Duffy gave “The Old Log Cabin in the Dell” in costume, and was vociferously encored. The “Hypochondriac,” an adapted farce, was the climax of comicalities. The local hits were thoroughly enjoyed by the audience, who were in continual uproars of laughter throughout the entire play. At the conclusion of the entertainment the Rev. Superior cordially thanked the students for the intellectual treat they had furnished, and expressed himself highly pleased with the various arrangements they had made in order to render his reception a pleasant one. The audience dispersed when the “midnight hour’s” booming sound was about to break out of the silent air.”