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Claimed for Nova Scotian Heir.
About the time of the American Revolution, says the Halifax Chronicle, Mr. Peter Tuits emigrated from England to the state of Massachusetts and settled on the site of the present city of Malden, where he acquired by possession and purchase a large and vulnerable portion of the ground now covered by the city. He left only one child, the greater number of whose descendants now reside in Nova Scotia, but some still in the States. After a number of years of the peaceful enjoyment and occupation of his property it seems he temporarily left it and his descendants claim and say they are prepared to show that he was lost in a merchant vessel owned by American patriots. The property, however, was confiscated by the government and since sold, built upon and occupied the government claiming the right of confiscation on the assumption that Peter had become a Loyalist and gone to the provinces to reside. The claimants consider that by providing their case as above stated they can have the confiscation set aside and claim the value of the property from the government to whom the present possessors will in such event have to look for redress. Mr. Joseph Coombes, of this city, is now acting on behalf of the heirs here and in the States, and intends taking active proceedings in the matter. He says the statute of limitations does not apply in the case at all, and anticipates no particular difficulty in substantiating his expectations. The property now amounts to a very large fortune, and the participants, he says, being of a long lived race and a number of the minor claims in the States having been brought up by the others, will not number over fifty. They include the branches of the family resident at Tuft’s Cove, Dartmouth, and in Wolfville, Horton, and vicinity. Mr. Coombes has been in receipt of a mass of correspondence about the matter and now considers that he has got the whole case down pretty fine.