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We hope that the feeling of disappointment in respect to the Centennial which the Globe says is prevalent in St. John will not be realized. We think with the Globe that more should have been done to make public display illustrative as far as was practicable of the first century’s progress of the city. The Globe has the following: -
“The prevailing feeling in the city in regard to the Centennial is one of disappointment. There was a general desire to have a celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the city of a marked, distinctive, and, if possible, unique character. Any number of citizens could be found willing to serve on committees, or aid in any way in which their services could be used. But, no opportunity has been given them. The public display made should be one illustrative of one hundred years of progress, and should be of a kind to stimulate civic pride. To such a display a Polymorphian parade and the Firemen’s march out would be interesting adjuncts. There is nothing of themselves that has any special significance in connection with the day; but, no doubt, they will be very interesting and will give much satisfaction. So far as arranged there is to be a morning salute, a procession of Polymorphians, a service at Trinity Church at nine o’clock, a.m., a Fireman’s Parade (followed by sports on the Barack Green), the civic gathering – the place not yet determined upon – with an address by Mr. Lawrence, music and an oration by Judge Wedderburn. In the evening a general illumination and a fine display of fire works. No doubt there will be many visitors to the city and there will be abundance of hospitality, both public and private. On the evening of the 17th, the watch night services at the Centenary Church will be unique. These are to consist of brief addresses, by, it is hoped, Chief Justice Allen, and Judges Palmer and King, and by Rev. Mr. Currie, an oration by Mr. Lawrence, the reading of a historical sketch, by Mr. Hannay, with music and invocation; and at 12 o’clock, as the firing of the guns usher in the first day of the city’s new year, the meeting will disperse.