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The Centennial Hall.
SIR, -- Mass meetings have been called, committees have been appointed, and there has been sufficient talk about a Loyalist monument. What we want now is action. Why not constitute the officers of the Historical Society and the officers of the Natural History Society a joint committee to “take the bull by the horns,” or in other words, to solicit contributions towards the projected Centennial Hall? Why not ask our St. John architects to prepare “sketch plans” for a central building, arranged so as to admit of one or more wings being added to the main building, as collections increased and funds became available?
Why not look about for suitable fireproof buildings in which to store and exhibit collections till the Centennial Hall is completed?
Why not make the Centennial Hall a highly ornamental structure, surmounted by a dome, with lookout windows?
Why not place upon the walls of the entrance hall bronze tablets recording facts connected with the early history of St. John?
Why not in this way provide for the present and all future generations an institution around which might cluster whatever of patriotic sentiments, scientific inclinations and artistic talents which might exist in the community?
Mr. Editor, it is to be hoped that all who have the welfare of St. John at heart, will assist a project which would certainly exert a wholesome influence on all classes of society.
Yours Truly,
St. John, Oct.12.