A Fruitful Impulse to the St John Centenary Celebration in 1883

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A Fruitful Impulse to the St John Centenary Celebration in 1883
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A FRUITFUL IMPULSE TO THE ST. JOHN CENTENARY CELEBRATION IN 1883. The proceedings of the Historical Society, last evening, were of extreme interest, and the eloquent paper read by Mr. LAWRENCE, and the speeches that followed, have given a decided impulse to the celebration of the approaching Loyalist Centenary. That impulse was much needed, for a great danger exists that the preparations will be too long deferred. The deep interest expressed in the proper celebration of that Centenary, and in the preparation and publication of such Historical Monographs as will illustrate the period, by such influential persons as the CHIEF JUSTICE, Judge KING, Senator BOYD, the MAYOR and others, may do much to advance the object in view, but still, as Dr. BOTSFORD remarked, care must be taken that the matter does not end in words. Indeed it seems a pity that a subscription list was not opened on the spot, as was so well suggested and done on a recent occasion, and with excellent results. Mr. SEARS, however, hoped that there would be other such meetings, and, no doubt, the next will be invested with fresh attractions if it is understood that some evidence will be furnished, before it closes, that the citizens generally, and our more affluent and prominent men, in particular, are willing to back their professed desire to honor the memory of the Loyalists by contributions fitted to promote that object, more especially as regards the publication of illustrative documents. As the matter now stands, Mr. LAWRENCE is the principal toiler in the field of research, made at great sacrifice. It would be a crying shame if this state of things is permitted to continue. “Time is money,” and if the time of one person is to be engrossed by so great a work, he should not only be saved from the risks of publication, but otherwise indemnified. Mr. BOYD hinted at the formation of an Association by means of which that might be done; a Canadian Academy, analogous to that of France, in which the GOVERNOR GENERAL takes an interest. But the success of that project is by no means assured, and it would not be wise to depend on a scheme which may have a hard, and perhaps even an unsuccessful struggle for existence. Instead of calling on HERCULES for assistance, it will be desirable for all who are interested in the proposed celebration to set to work, at once, and help themselves. It is right to say that offers of pecuniary aid towards the publication of illustrative documents were made, last evening, in general terms, in a liberal spirit. It is a pity that some members of the Local Government were not present last evening. They will, however, notice that the President and members of the Historical Society expect them to come down with a measure for granting $50,000 towards the funds for getting up a Loyalist Memorial Hall, etc. Had the ATTORNEY GENERAL been present, as head of the Government, and the PROVINCIAL SECRETARY, whose business it is to deal with financial matters, they would have, perhaps, caught the inspiration of the place, and been more impressed with the necessity of helping on the Centenary Celebration than they will be by reading meagre newspaper reports. However that may be, we consider that the proceedings of last evening have set the ball a rolling, which is destined to bring round the Centenary Celebration. We need the co-operation of the Dominion and Local Governments, of Civic and Municipal bodies, and of the people generally, led by the Press and other leaders of the people, in order to have any chance of properly celebrating the Loyalist Centenary.