Dr. Ryerson's Loyalists of America and Their Times

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Dr. Ryerson's Loyalists of America and Their Times
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DR. RYERSON’S LOYALISTS OF AMERICA AND THEIR TIMES This book, in two handsome volumes, may now be had from the booksellers. We have not yet had leisure to make a thorough study of it, but pending such study we hasten to give our readers an idea of its contents. In the preface Dr. Ryerson states that the history of the Loyalists in America has never been written except by their enemies and spoilers, and their English historians who have not troubled themselves with examining original authorities, and for these reasons the true history of the relations, disputes, and contests between Great Britain and her American Colonies and the United States should now be written. The history of the United Empire Loyalists he states has been strangely misrepresented, and in correction of unjust and untrue assertions he had had recourse to the records and documents of the actors themselves and thus had rendered the work, to a large extent documentary rather than narrative. He traces the development and characteristics of Puritanism in New England, and makes a distinction between the “Pilgrim Fathers” and the “Puritan Fathers.” His position fully defined is that though one class was tolerant and non-persecuting and loyal to the King, the other was an intolerant persecutor of all religionists who did not adopt its worship, and was disloyal from the beginning to the Home Government. His position will excite criticism. The work takes a wide range and discusses the subject exhaustively, and owing to its documentary character is valuable for reference. We will refer to it again.