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Loyalist Day Services.
The anniversary services of the Loyalist Society held in Trinity church last evening were attended by a large congregation, many of whom wore as the badge of their Loyalist descent ribbons of red, white and blue. The members wore, in addition, their society badges. The hymns for the evening were appropriately selected and for the anthem the choir Raw a splendid rendition Of Stainer’s Sing a Song of Praise especially prepared for the coronation.
The anniversary sermon, a strong and eminently appropriate discourse was delivered by the chaplain of the society, Rev. W. O. Raymond, who spoke from the second and third verses of the 107th Psalm:
“Let the redeemed of then Lord say so, whom He hath redeemed out of the hand of the enemy.
"And gathered them out of the lands from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south."