Acadian Convocation.

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Acadian Convocation.
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Acadian Convocation. Large Gathering —Fine Weather. —Addresses, Music and Amusements. Hon. P. A. Landry, chairman of and other members of the Executive Committee, have been very busy the past few days arranging the details of the Convention. The visitors commenced to arrive on Tuesday morning, when Rev. P. Girroir, of Havre de Bouche; Rev. P. Couter, of Rimonski; Mr. Rheninie, of Quebec, President of the Convention of 1880; Dr. Doune, Editor of the the Courier du Canada, and others arrived. The same afternoon, some 200 arrived from P. E. Island, and were all provided with quarters at the College or in its vicinity. On Wednesday morning, large numbers of Acadians arrived by trains from the North and Nova Scotia. All sorts of amusements were provided on the grounds for those not employed in committee work, and two hands discourse sweet music. The programme to-day, commenced with solemn high mass in the Church of St. Thomas with a sermon for the occasion by Rev. P. Richards, of St. Louis; the blessing of two church bells in the afternoon and a discourse by the Hon. Sir H. L. Langevin. The different committees hold their sittings during the afternoon and evening. It is estimated that there were 5,000 visitors present at the Acadia Convention. The day was taken up with High Mass, by Rev. Mr. Richard, St. Louis, consecration of the new bells for the Chapel, by Rev. D. Labbe, and the inaugeration of the Convention, by the President, Hon. P. A. Landry, and addresses in French and English, by Sir Hector Langevin. Bands of music was liberally furnished and numerous flags were spread to the breeze. Among prominent men present were Sir A. J. Smith, J. L. Black, M. P. P., G. A. Girouard, M. P., for Kent, A. G. Blair, M. P., P. Poirier, Ottawa, and M. M. Rheaume, Choinard and Doinne, President and Secretary of St. Jean Baptiste Society, Quebec. Besides about 300 delegates from various parts of the Dominion. The festival will continue through to-day.