Loyalists’ Centennial Souvenir - 1887 - p14-15

Hon. Chief Justice Allen; Rev. D. D. Currie; Hon. R. D. Wilmot; Hon. C. N. Skinner; J. W. Lawrence; Rev. Dr. Hopper; Rev. Holbrook
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HON. CHIEF JUSTICE ALLEN'S ADDRESS. Chief Justice ALLEN: "Before nominating a chairman, I must express the great pleasure it affords me at being enabled to take part in the proceedings this evening. I am not a citizen of St. John, and so, perhaps, have no right to take any part in the proceedings, but I have been requested to attend, and as a descendant of one of the Loyalists I had great pleasure in acceding to the request. I trust the people of this Province will not be satisfied with a mere meeting of this character, but that something substantial will be done to commemorate the Loyalists, something permanent, something that people may look to in the years to come, and say, ‘This was erected by the citizens of St. John to do honor to the Loyalists.’ It would have been a pleasing feature if the corner stone of some building or monument could have been laid to-morrow to show what we intended to do. It may not be too late to do this; another occasion will arise about a year hence — another centennial of the date when this Province was separated from Nova Scotia. Sufficient time will have elapsed between now and then, August, 1884, to enable the people of the Province to decide what they will do; and I trust that that time will not pass without something being done in the direction I have suggested. We live in a time of luxury in this year of 1883, and we can have no idea of the hardships which the Loyalists had to undergo, although we enjoy the benefit of their labors; and it certainly behooves the people of New Brunswick to see what their forefathers did. I now have great pleasure in moving that His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor preside as Chairman to-night."