Daily Evening News - 1883-05-28

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Shall we have a grand procession and a magnificent oration in connection with the Centennial Exhibition? are questions being considered by people interested in the success of the coming display. The most reasonable general answer would, perhaps, be something like this: Let us have everything we can command on the occasion fitted to enhance interest in the Exhibition. But there is this to be said about the procession, that a mere repetition of the processions of the Centennial Celebration of the Landing would be wanting in novelty, and that, if the aim in such repetition should be the commemoration of the founding of the city, that would be doing over what has already been well done. But a trades procession designed to illustrate the development of industry achieved here during the past hundred years would be fresh, and might be made picturesque and striking. If undertaken, care must be used not to expend on a procession energies needed to secure the necessary display in the exhibition. Let nobody forget that what is especially wanted for an exhibition is exhibits. The one thing needful from St. John for the exhibition is the fullest possible representation of its industries. This duly remembered, let all fitting adjuncts offered be heartily welcomed. As to the oration, that depends. There is ample scope for such a performance, but nothing but a first-rate utterance of that sort would be worthy the occasion. Can that be got? Can an oration full of broad and lofty thought, cast in classic form, perfectly well adapted to the occasion, quotable for a hundred years to come, be secured? If it can, well and good. If it cannot, let the matter drop. A good processional display can be secured. As to the oration, we have doubts. But nobody can doubt that the grand thing to get is exhibits. Let the utmost diligence be displayed in preparing and collecting these.