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Those Montrealers, for the want of better and more sensible employment, are expending all their powers of argument in favor of Commercial Union – between the United States and Canada, still manage to get their names in the papers occasionally. An open air public meeting was announced to be held in Montreal a week or so ago, in furtherance of this visionary project, which, by the way, could only be the product of the mind of one of that class of persons who, fairly intelligent perhaps, are always advocating schemes that no practical person will take hold of. The first meeting called proved a failure, and a second was announced for last Thursday night, at which the promoters were able to muster a crowd numbering 2000 persons or thereabouts. A Montreal despatch to the Quebec Chronicle describes the meeting: The speakers were Messrs., Jos Perrault, a Liberal Politician, and L.O. David, the latter formerly an editor of a French-Canadian paper. The views enunciated by Mr. Perrault were those which he has frequently given expression to in the press lately and literally interpreted mean independence for the Dominion; he criticized the working of our constitution, which prevents the Canadian Ministry from making independent treaties of commerce. Mr. David followed in the same strain as Mr. Perrault, and concluded by proposing a resolution in favor of commercial union. Although speakers in favor of opposite views were expected, and had been announced, no advocate in opposition appeared and the resolution was carried by acclamation. The speeches were in French. There was very little enthusiasm evoked by the orators. Mr. Perrault’s little scheme will live a short and not very brilliant life. It will then die and Mr. Perrault will be forgotten – till he brings up something else. Men of Mr. Perrault’s stamp are not uncommon. There are to be found everywhere. They may be found in country villages, towns or cities, and are never happy unless advocating something visionary, or starting to engineer some project of which they have very little knowledge, and neither the brains or capital, if such is required, to carry through. Under one or more of these headings comes no less a parsonage, than the Hon. Edward Blake, at present the leader of the Opposition at Ottawa. Mr. Blake we suppose, has been known at different times during a quite successful life, as the father and advocate of a greater number of visionary schemes than any other public man in Canada, such, for instance, as compulsory voting, one of his latest. Certain newspapers prominent in the Liberal ranks, probably acting under the inspiration of Mr. Blake, are just now ad-Canada. Such a scheme may not be altogether visionary, but to carry it into effect would certainly be unwise. The Senate of Canada sometimes proves itself of value to the country, though it may not be composed of the best men in the country. The higher body amended legislation of the Commons no later than last session, which had passed that body in spite of the united protests of both the leaders of the Government and Opposition, which legislation, at the present time, without a doubt was not in accord with the general feeling throughout the country. The Senate has its faults no doubt. Its composition can be improved possibly and should be improved as opportunity offers. All this many will admit or approve, but we think it would scarcely be advisable to abolish the Senate of Canada.