Contenu de l'article
The nights now smell of autumn.
Some new advertisements held over till next week.
The Crown Land sales came off yesterday and to-day.
The large horse of the corporation team died last week.
The Victoria Hall, at Sussex, was destroyed by fire on Friday morning last.
Friday last was the 13th anniversary of the consecration of the Cathedral in this city.
The Academic year of the University begins on the 20th. A large Freshmen class is expected.
The asphalt is being laid on the sidewalk of Queen Street, between St. John and Regent Streets.
A rotary mill is being erected a few miles below Cole’s island, Queen’s Co., by Mr. Perry of Thorntown.
A cow walked into one of the churches in New Glasgow, N.S., last Sunday during service. – Colchester Sun.
The out-port of Cocaigne, N.B., has been detached form the port of Richibucto and made an out-port of Moncton.
A little rain fell on Monday morning, barely sufficient to lay the dust. Rain is very much needed in this quarter.
The new railway bridge across the Meduxnakik, at Woodstock, was opened last Monday week. This involved the changing of the track and the work in the railway yard.
The carpenters of St. John, at a meeting on Friday evening, decided to join in the Trades’ Procession, to wear blue caps and white aprons, with a hammer and plane worked in red on each.
Chief Engineer Kerr, of St. John Fire Department was, on Friday last, presented with a handsomely engrossed copy of a resolution passed by the Halifax Board of Fire Wardens, thanking him for the very handsome manner in which he entertained the delegation, comprising a deputation from the Fire Wardens, Union Engine, and Union Axe Companies, on the occasion of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the landing of the Loyalists.