For the Arctic Regions.

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For the Arctic Regions.
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General W.B. Hazen, chief of the Signal Bureau of the United States, who is termed “Old Probabilities,” came through from the west yesterday morning and was accompanied by Lieut. – Commander B. H. McCallom. They registered at the Dufferin and in the evening were furnished with a special train to Halifax. The reason of Gen. Hazen’s visit to St. John is that he is on his way to Newfoundland for the United States Government and leaves Halifax to-day for St. John’s. His mission is to procure a sealing steamer, which he is to fit out and send to the Artic regions in search of Greeley’s party, which sailed on an exploring tour of that region two years ago. Last year the United States fitted out a relief steamer for a like purpose and provisioned her for a long period. She failed in the object of her search, one reason being that the ice had, as is the case in some years, failed to leave the Artic waters, and the steamer was unable to proceed beyond the 82 degree of latitude. A sealing steamer was used on that occasion, such vessels being considered far better adapted to coming in contact with ice flows than those of other class, as they are built with that object in view. The steamer is to be provided with sufficient provisions for a two month’s voyage, including a supply for the lost voyagers. If they should be found. In conversation with Gen. Hazen, our reporter learned that some of his ancestors were among the Loyalists who landed on our shores a century ago, and the General expressed regret that he had not been present at the celebration. – Telegraph, May 21st.