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The receipts on the I.C.R. for the week ending May 12th, were $17,000 in excess of those of the same period of last year. Steel rails for the St. John Co. and the R.R.R. Co. are now being received at Carleton. They will be at once laid down at portions of the line at which they are required. It is expected that Parliament will prorogue on Friday. Two barns of Mr. John Gayton, Knowles-ville, Carleton. Co., were, with their contents, destroyed by fire on the 13th instant. D Russel Jack, son of William Jack, Esq., of St. John, has taken the Institute prize of $200 for best essay on the History of the City and County of St. John. We understand that the New Brunswick Railway Company have secured the St. John and Maine Railway, and that the transfer will shortly take place. Late Monday afternoon, Jas. Hamilton, brakesman on the St. John and Maine Railway fell from a freight train while passing over a bridge just below Fredericton Junction and was killed, almost instantly. Deceased was 35 years of age. “Pill” Keleher and young Phenny were arrested the other night for stealing postage stamps from the office of Wetmore & Winslow and when their trial was called on they were missing and are still missing. Some of our advertising patrons have changed places of business since May 1st. Mr. John. B. Grieves has removed his grocery to the Waverly House, first flat. Mr. Clement McGill, barber, has removed to the shop next above McGill’s Hotel, Regent Street. Other notices in a future issue. Messrs. Dever Bross., and Mr. F. B. Edgecombe’s dry goods, made a very fine display in the windows of their establishments Friday night last – Centennial Day. The Hanwell Items this week, not from our regular correspondent, we decline to publish. They are too SPOONY for publication in the Gleaner. F.B. Edgecombe’s show windows were beautifully decorated on the 18th. The lower window was dressed with handsome carpets, lace curtains, and general house furnishing goods, while the upper one, dressed with beautiful flowers and fancy goods, displayed a shield commemorative of the Loyalists, with appropriate motto.