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To-day marks another anniversary of the landing of the Loyalists at St. John. The hundred and three years since they set their feet upon our shores have witnessed many changes here and elsewhere. This continent has in that time became the home of tens of millions; the steam engine, the railway, the telegraph, the electric light, the hundred new and useful mechanical appliances have come and with them churches and schools, the press, the platform and all the influences that make for human culture. How it would rejoice the hearts of those sturdy and enduring patriots, could they revisit the scene of their hardships and sufferings, to find the advancement their descendants have made, and the greater comforts with which they are surrounded. Other cities and localities have made more rapid progress, perhaps, but our growth has at least been substantial and un-mistake-able. Though swept by fire, and depressed by repeated commercial disasters the St. John of to-day stands a worthy realization of the loyalist's proudest dreams. There have been sad as well as bright changes. The generation of the loyalists and the generation that succeeded them have passed off the stage of life. Their dwellings have given place to others, and the old landmarks of a century ago no longer meet the eye. But all has not changed. For more than a hundred years we have maintained the monarchial principle against all the seductions of republicanism. The old flag still waves above us, and loyal hearts are still ready to rally around it. We are still British, and we shall so remain. It would please the men of '83 could they come back, to note our material and intellectual advancement. It would please them none the less to find that in our loyalty and attachment to the sovereign and the empire we have not retrograded. We are still loyalists!