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The Fredericton Farmer, which is so Tory it seldom refers to THE TRANSCRIPT without a sneer says: - “No doubt our Acadian friends in Westmorland are deeply regretting the defeat of their representative – Hon. A. A. Richard, solicitor general – in the recent election in that county, and if the work had to be done over again, the result would be different.
Since Judge Landry retired from political life, Mr. Richard has been regarded as the leader of the Acadian people in this province, and his entrance into the government was hailed by them with genuine satisfaction and pleasure. Mr. Richard was the first Acadian appointed to the legislative council of New Brunswick, and the eyes of his compatriots have been directed towards his work in that body during the past ten years. While for personal reasons, Mr. Richard was a follower of Mr. Hanington when that gentleman was in public life, the solicitor general could not be regarded as a party man. He took an independent course, criticizing government measures when he considered them deserving of it, and supporting bills that, in his opinion merited support. As a lawyer, in the council, his advice and assistance were readily sought by his fellow members, and he was at all times willing to give the benefit of his experience and judgement.
“Although defeated in his county, Mr. Richard is yet a member of the executive council of this Province, and its solicitor general, and no doubt his Acadian friends would be glad if an opportunity presented itself of continuing him in that position. As a member of the government, he would be able to exert a useful influence on behalf of the Acadians, who, as we have said, look to Mr. Richard, as their leader.
“Regarding Mr. Melanson, who divided the Acadian vote with Mr. Richard in Westmorland, we have nothing to say. Although personally a gentlemanly fellow, and a good business man, Mr. Melanson does not carry with him the elements of leadership, nor is he in sympathy with the present dominate party in local politics. While Mr. Melanson could not secure his own election, he took sufficient Acadian votes of Mr. Richard to ensure the latter’s defeat, thus depriving the Acadians of a worthy representative, and the county of Westmorland an important portfolio.
“As we have already said, we have no doubt the Acadian electors of Westmorland regret the decision of Oct. 22nd., and we believe that if an opportunity should present itself for a reversal of their verdict, so far as Hon. Mr. Richard is concerned, that reversal would be promptly given, and the solicitor general would be permitted to continue representing his people in the executive of this country.”