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The Acadian Convention at Digby—
Crushed to Death—A Review on
an Immense Scale—The Crop
Report Etc.
(Special to THE SUN.)
HALIFAX, Aug. 12.—The French Acadian convention opens at Church point tomorrow. Seventy delegates passed through Weymouth tonight, including Judge Landry, Senator Poirier, Hon. J. C. Arsenault of P. E. I.; Hon. O. J. LeBlanc, Hon. A. D. Richard, Rev. A. D. Cormier of Memramoook, and Rev. P. J. Belliveau, of Sussex.
David Langill, son of George Langill, was crushed to death at River John this morning, while unloading a spar in McKenzie’s shipyard.
A review on an immense scale will take place in Halifax before the fleet leaves for Quebec. The fleet will attack the city. The military are making extensive preparation to repel the attack. Prince George will have charge of two ships, and all the forts from the mouth of the harbor up will be tested to their fullest capacity. The citadel will also take part. The plans of attack are now being perfected by the admiral. Truro may also be a big military and naval demonstration on the commons.
The beautiful Lakeside property at Dart¬mouth, now occupied by Hinkle Condon, inspector of public schools, is likely to pass into the hands of a company for the establishment of a college of music. The institution is to be affiliated with the Royal college of music in London, the Royal academy and the Guildhall school of music. The pupils will complete a three years’ course in London and at one of the great foreign schools of music. The public will be asked to co-operate in every way and home talent will be invited to supplement distinguished foreign professors. The object of the college is to train artists, teachers of distinction, and first-class amateurs, thus improving the music of home, furnishing a delightful and salutary public amusement and improving the music of the church.
The provincial government's crop bulletin says that hay, though below the average, is satisfactory, and root crops look well. The Colorado beetle is troubling potatoes and is more formidable than in any former season in Nova Scotia. Barley is successful wherever sown, but oats will be poor, owing to the red leaf blight and attacks of the green fly. Orchards are making immense growth of wood, but the fruit will be much less abundant than usual.