Notice of Application for Legislation

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Notice of Application for Legislation
J. C. Patterson
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NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LEGISLATION. Notice is hereby given that application will be made at the next session of the Legislative Assembly, of the Province of New Brunswick, that the following bills may be received and may pass and become law, namely: A Bill relating to the levying and assessing of rates and taxes in the City of Moncton. A bill to provide that the City of Moncton shall be wholly withdrawn from the jurisdiction of the County Council of the Municipality of Westmorland, and that the City of Moncton may be separated for all municipal purposes from the Municipality of Westmorland. A Bill for the amendment of chapter 60 fifty third of Victoria being, “the City of Moncton Incorporation Act” with respect to the jurisdiction of the City Court of Moncton, and providing for a change in said Act with regard to the election of aldermen for the said city, for the laying of informations for the breach of city bye-laws by the City Marshall, and for the amendment of said act with regard to the collection of' sewer frontage fees and entrance fees. A bill for the amendment of chapter 59, Fifty-Eighth of Victoria, 1895, with respect to the powers given to the City Council of the City of Moncton under section 4 of said Act, and to provide for the issue of licenses to transient traders and other persons. A bill for the amendment of chapter 557 Fifty-Ninth of Victoria, 1896, respecting the Water and Lighting system of the City of Moncton. A bill to authorize the City Council of the City of Moncton to pass a By-law or By-laws for regulating the sale of Butchers’ Meat, Fresh Meat, Poultry and Fish, and to authorize the sale thereof outside the city market and to authorize the issue of Butchers’ Licenses to persons carrying on business in the city of Moncton but outside the City Market. Dated the thirtieth day of December, 1896. J. C. PATTERSON, 186-0 City Clerk of the City of Moncton