Anniversary Monument or Memorial – Hints on the Subject of Ways and Means.

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Anniversary Monument or Memorial – Hints on the Subject of Ways and Means.
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Anniversary Monument or Memorial – Hints on the Subject of Ways and Means. SIR: Since you so kindly published my former communication, there has been quite a “boom” in Loyalist literature, which I am glad to see, as showing that our people are alive to the desirability of having some fitting celebration of the great anniversary. Conspicuous among such literature stands a letter from our highly esteemed citizen, J.W. Lawrence, Esq., who eloquently advocates the building of a Memorial Hall with a manliness that commands our esteem, and with researchers that awaken our praise; but while we are one in the desire to see something done to commemorate the event, I do not fully agree with him as to the mode of carrying it out. “Not that I love the Memorial Hall less, but the Monument more.” In giving my views for a Monument, let it not be considered that I am inimical to the Hall if our people prefer it and if it can be carried out. My own views are strengthened by conversing with others on the subject, although I should like to give it a second place. Now for the site. A writer in the Globe advocates the Market Square, but I do not approve of that place for the following reasons: It is now pretty well occupied with carts, wagons, auction stuff, etc., and as business increases the space will be so fully taken up that there will be no chance to beautify the grounds; it is out of the way for strangers except business ones, and in muddy weather quite difficult of access. As regards having a drinking fountain there, with a trough for horses, that could be done at a trifling expense, and I wonder the cartmen have not made a move for that convenience long ago. My choice is King’s Square – I first thought the centre, but as that would necessitate the removal of the fountain and cutting down or removing the trees (which, by the way, could be done, and place two fountains, one on either side of the monument); my second thought is to place it a little in the rear of where the bell tower stood. Let it be built of native stone, grey granite base, and red granite shaft, or vice versa. On one side of the base could be a drinking fountain, issuing from a lion’s mouth. The sides of the base could now or at some future time be ornamented with bass reliefs, showing our country’s progress. On the corners could be placed statues, representing our beloved Queen; one, the first Mayor of our city and one the first Judge of the Supreme Court. The column could be hollow (if extra cost would not prevent), with steps leading to the top; the whole surmounted by a statue of Britannia, with an ægis or other design. Such monument would effectively prevent the utilitarians of a future age from running King street through the square. I would, however, continue the south side walk of King street through to the Court House steps and the north side walk through to the south side of the Old Grave Yard, with serpentine walks between and beautified with shrubs, flowers, etc., remove the iron rail, etc., from around the fountain, have the basins of water, one on the east side and the other on the west side half-way, between the fountain and the monument. I should like for our people who feel an interest in the monument (and who does not?) to look at the above picture and give their views on it, or suggest other methods, as free discussion of the subject is wanted in order that unity of purpose for either hall or monument may ensure success. If no other way, would it be practical or desirable, sir, to take a vote of our people on the matter? I should like to hear from our friends outside of St. John on the subject, as we will require, and I am sure would receive, from them a helping hand in our laudable undertaking. Celestial York and Sunbury awake, Charlotte, and Carleton and Victoria make This cause your own; yet go, our brethren North, Madawaska, Gloucester, Restigouche come forth, Northumberland, Kent and Westmoreland, Assist this movement with a liberal hand, Queens, Kings, and Albert gen’rously keep on, Last, but not least, awake our own St. John. Sons of New Brunswick, whereso’er ye be, Dwellers beside the river, mount or sea, Whether beneath your own or foreign skies A pleading voice doth for your help arise; And thou, the foremost in all noble works, Without whose influence Christians would be Turks; Woman assist us, unto thee we call, Come with thine offerings, be they great or small, And all united let us henceforth raise, A monument to worth of earlier days, A monument to those who deeds sublime, Shine forth the brightest on the page of time. And if the spirits of the just e’er come, To visit earth from their celestial home, They can serenely from its height look down, And shed a heavenly influence o’er the town, A heavenly influence to subdue all strife, That plants sharp thorns along the path of life, To stop the voice of discontent, and blame, To shun all acts that shade the brow with shame, To teach mankind that toil is no disgrace, And only labor wins the foremost place, To bring contentment unto every lot. Nor be the mercies of kind Heaven forgot, To check all meanness, narrowness of soul, All evil passions bridle, and control, To teach us to o’erlook another’s weakness, And to the haughty bring a Christian meekness, To make us sober, virtuous, and true, Unto our God, our Queen, and country too, To fill each breast with charity and love, And point the way unto a home above, When earth is passed, with all its fleeting show, When all is over in this world below. Yours, LOYALIST.