Helping on the Centennial Celebration of 1883

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Helping on the Centennial Celebration of 1883
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HELPING ON THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF 1883. Mr. James A. Estey, in Saturday’s Sun, writes a capital letter, backing up the movement for the celebration of the Loyalist Anniversary of 1883, and speaking also of the necessity of working for the Exhibition of that year. It required no small effort to secure the holding of the Provincial Exhibition here in 1880, and make it as great a success as it proved, with corresponding benefit to the city. Mr. Estey took an active part in helping on that undertaking, and with excellent results. It is pleasing to find an intelligent young merchant like him giving his thoughtful attention to what is to be done in 1883. It will require the efforts of all our people to make that Centenary and Exhibition what it ought to be, and we trust they will not be wanting. In the course of his remarks, Mr. Estey, referring to the late meeting, says: -- I tell you a fire was kindled last night that will burn brighter and brighter until time shall usher in the centennial of our natal morn, nor yet will it die out when the 18th of May, 1883, will return unto that eternity from which it was born, but, fanned by the hands of willing workers, it will burn again, may we add, with greater brilliancy, when the doors of the Centennial Exhibition Building, in October, 1883, will be thrown open to the thousands of eager visitors, and where for their inspection will be, not only the agricultural products, manufacture and arts, the outcome of one hundred years of New Brunswick’s history, but, in addition, the contributions of the whole Dominion will be there. Our fair Province, conscious of her undeveloped resources, modestly will then seem to say to her sister Provinces: “SEE what we have done in our one hundred years. Can you do better?”