The Dominion Exhibition of 1883. Is it to be in St. John?

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The Dominion Exhibition of 1883. Is it to be in St. John?
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THE DOMINION EXHIBITION OF 1883. IS IT TO BE IN ST. JOHN? The location of this Exhibition will depend on the Dominion Government, though the aid of the Local Government, and of local and provincial bodies will also be required. Steps should be taken, at once, to ascertain that the Dominion Government will give their assent to the holding of the Dominion Exhibition in St. John in 1883. There is no reason to doubt that such will be the case, but it will be a point gained to have the matter settled. The Common Council of St. John would be entitled to this information, and could, no doubt, secure it. It is most desirable that it should be obtained in view of the work that is to be done, and of the preparations that require to be made for the concurrent Loyalist Celebration. It is known that the Local Government are favorable to the project. They are not likely to favor the holding of any Exhibition in 1882, but will reserve their resources for 1883. Committees on the Loyalist celebration ought to be set to work at once. The Historical Society of St. John might lead in the matter; and among them a gentleman whose long, valuable, unrequited but not unappreciated services are ever to be counted on: J. W. LAWRENCE, Esq. No one in the city can supply the place that he is fitted to fill. We sincerely trust that other engagements will not stand in the way of his effective co-operation in this matter. We want to collect facts and relics for the Loyalist celebration; we must devise some means of perpetuating the name and doing honor to the memory of the Loyalists. Historical memoirs, discourses and orations should be provided for and all these require time. The state of the city requires attention. The West side must be put into better order. Why could not that unsavory pond be converted into an ever flowing and attractive sheet of sea-water in summer, and an open-air rink of unsurpassed extent and beauty in winter? The streets, sidewalks there and what can be had of park or garden, should be made to assume a respectable appearance. Above all, the railway facilities required for the St. John and Maine, the Grand Southern, and any other railroads which may want an outlet to the sea, should be provided. The railroad lines which come into St. John, either by the extension of the New Brunswick Railroad to the St. Lawrence, a work which cannot be long delayed, or by the Megantic route, will want termini and facilities for export. It is quite likely that part of these will best be had on the west side of the harbor. They must be had somewhere, and as these railroads will have made arrangements for outlets prior to 1883, St. John should be up and doing to see what it can offer, and what it can secure. We would be glad that the City and Portland could co-operate in this matter; they could best do so by, in the meantime, and at an early day, seeking incorporation, so as to form one great city in 1883, the fourth city in Canada in point of population and influence. On the East side, we want the restoration, and ornamentation of the military grounds; we want the adornment of all our squares, and of the place sacred to the Loyalist dead; we want also a few round drives completed, one of which should be by Drury’s Cove; another might give a better road than now exists from the old Loch Lomond road to the new road to Loch Lomond, via the Three Mile House and the Golden Grove road. It would be well also if the management of the St. Martins & Upham Railroad would arrange to stretch down their line by Loch Lomond to the city. Then we could give our visitors a swift railway ride to some charming spots, to Loch Lomond and St. Martins; the latter place should be forthwith supplied with the electric wires. Pending these preparations of different kinds, we would have all our farmers, mechanics, manufacturers; all our ingenious artisans; all our cunning workmen, and work-women; all our artists of whatever kind, set to prepare for the grand Industrial and Art Exhibition. This is the essential part of the proposed Exhibition and Celebration. We have not two years left for the great work of preparation. We have no time to lose. We have to advise the people of other cities and provinces that they are to be invited to attend and join in the friendly rivalry. We have to ask their co-operation in carrying out the Loyalist Centenary. The whole business is a weighty one, and we should like to see the preparations for it set agoing. Business may be pressing, but our busiest citizens will find their account in this matter. Even if they did not, St. John has surely public spirit enough to make the demonstration a success.