The person named in Justices...

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Persons named in Justices...
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The persons named in Justices have been dead for months, it is said. Michael O’Mahony, or Portland, and James Burke, of St. Martins, have been appointed Alms House Commissioners, but as there is only one vacancy on the Commission there is likely to be a hitch in the arrangement. The Sun is making the most desperate effort to stir up trouble everywhere. Nothing has been done properly. The Solicitor Generalship should have been abolished without authority of the Legislature; the Legislative Council should have been excluded from the Cabinet; York should “have the Board of Works;” Northumberland should have it; Gloucester should reject Mr. Ryan, because the Board of Works has gone to that County; Charlotte should oppose the Government because Mr. Mitchell has been appointed Surveyor General. All its immense powers of intervention; all its ingenuity as a mischief maker, is taxed to the utmost. It has not a peg to hang a case upon, but its audacity of assertion makes amends for the paucity of facts. It asserted that the men now in power determined that if they must remain in opposition two Catholics would move that Father Bradley, a Catholic Priest, be appointed Captain in the room of Mr. McLeod, now absent on account of ill health, and that by this they meant only to embarrass Mr. Landry and one or two others. Such a motion for such a purpose would be merely silly. The Telegraph declares the story a sheer fabrication, and such no doubt it is. Another of the Sun’s stories is that the French Sheriff of Gloucester is to be removed, and Mr. Vail to be reinstated. This we presume is also a fabrication. In all probability there never was a word said on the subject by any member of the Government. It is amusing to see the Sun now pretending to act as the guardian of French rights and French interests. When did anyone connected with the Sun conceive a regard or respect for the French people of this Province? There are no signs of opposition in St. John. In York, the opposition threaten to put Mr. L. H. Estabrooks, of Prince William, in the field, but when they did find how useless it would be they may abandon that intention. A bad defeat now they may see would destroy all chance of succeeding hereafter. Opposition was threatened in Charlotte, but probably Mr. Stevenson, who was spoken of as a candidate, knows better than to throw away the office he received not long ago as a solatium. There are mutterings of Opposition in Gloucester. It would not be amiss perhaps if Mr. Young showed what his strength in that County really is, and destroyed the reputation for cunning, which alone enabled him to hold a place in the Executive for so many years.