Centennial Trees

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Centennial Trees
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Centennial Trees It was suggested to His Honor the Lieutenant Governor that if he would, by proclamation, ask the people to plant Centennial trees, the idea would be generally adopted; and that it would be a most excellent combination of sentiment and practical usefulness thus to mark the day; but, possibly, as after all the Landing of the Loyalists is more of a local than a provincial event, His Honor has not acted upon the suggestion. Nevertheless, the plan might be adopted by many persons and families. The Mayor and corporation might plant on each of the squares, if not on Centennial Day as soon after it as possible, trees commemorative of the event. Heads of families who own pieces of land could set out at least one tree, or perhaps they could afford to plant one dedicated to each member of the family. In coming years a Centennial tree will have an interest all its own; while as a thing of beauty, or for shade purposes, or as a haunt where the “thrush with crimson breast shall sing, and hide her nest,” it will be most useful.